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E-learning is recognised to be the most flexible way
to achieve your learning objectives

How to approach e-learning

E-learning is recognised to be the most flexible way to achieve your learning objectives.

In order to ensure the most conducive environment for your learning, it is important to consider a number of factors that will help avoid the common obstacles that could hinder your progress. Some find it hard to allocate appropriate time to the e-learning. We all have demanding jobs and there may never seem to be enough hours in the day, so how can we fit in the time to train?

Set a target

It is always advisable to set a realistic time frame in which to complete your e-learning. We normally recommend 3 months as most of our courses take approximately 12 hours - equating to just 1 hour per week! This allows flexibility whilst maintaining your interest and motivation. Setting your exam date at this stage will give focus to when the e-learning must be completed.

Learn at your most productive level

Everyone is different and e-learning embraces this. You may find early morning is your ideal learning time, others in the afternoon. Allocate time accordingly and maximise your learning potential. Some people go to work an hour earlier just to enable them to complete a training module without being disturbed. Don't be tempted to switch on your email - there will be plenty of time for emails when you have completed the module.

Plan ahead

Now you know how long the e-learning will take, build it into your schedule. You could use a diary system such as Outlook to allocate your learning time. Keep it manageable by dividing the learning into equal bite-size chunks. It would be useful to include your line manager in this process so that you can agree your schedule together. Remember all of our courses are equivalent to a 3 day classroom event, so e-learning is actually significantly reducing the amount of time you spend out of the office.

Now you're ready to commence the e-learning, what learning best practices can we share with you?

Do the pre-work

Many e-learning courses ask you to do a pre-work assignment before the first session. It is imperative that you complete this and bring your knowledge to the required level prior to commencing the e-learning. Resist the temptation to jump straight into the course. You may have missed something important and this could hinder your learning.

Take control of your environment

E-learning is work – a special kind of work that requires you to concentrate, think, listen, and interact with the computer screen. You must ensure that the environment around you supports this, minimising distractions to optimise your learning capacity.

Communicate with other learners

Share your email addresses with other learners via your portal. You could organise a group Lunch and Learn meeting to discuss the content or how the theories will be adopted and put into practice.

Use the remote tutor support

This allows you to have access via email to a specialist in your chosen e-learning area. The tutor can help with all your questions, however big or small - all you have to do is ask!

Complete the whole course

You must complete the course in full before attempting the exam simulator. You should also aim to achieve around 80% in the exam simulator before you take the real exam.

Exam practice

Each course contains mock exam simulators to enable you to test your level of knowledge. Make the most of this facility and familiarise yourself with the format, style and timing of your particular exam. You can sit this as many times as you wish and this will really give you an honest idea of the sort of questions you will be asked.

Ok, so you have completed the learning, now for the exam! How do you make sure you are fully prepared?

The exam date

As we have previously mentioned, it is always advisable to set your exam date before you start your training. Check that you have all the details – venue, date, time etc – then plan your day around it, so that you're not rushed. You want to be fully prepared and calm.