
Desktop IT training programmes

All of our Desktop IT programmes are only run as in-house courses, and are designed to be used by project managers - they help you to develop the soft skills you need to ensure the success of your projects.

We know that every learner is different and every organisation faces its own challenges. Your needs are unique, which is why we work in partnership with you to develop the best training solutions.

Desktop IT Intermediate Excel

Course Type
1 day
Price (Excl Tax)
Call us now on
+44 (0) 1270 611 600

Desktop IT Advanced Excel

Course Type
2 days
Price (Excl Tax)
Call us now on
+44 (0) 1270 611 600

What our ILX customers say

Discover what our customers have to say about their ILX training.

"Excellent material distilled to make it easy to absorb the pieces of information."

Trusted Customer
61 Days ago
"Service was good but timely in places."

Ellis Woods
72 Days ago
"Good information on the course provided"

Derek Lawn
120 Days ago