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Introducing our new Artificial Intelligence Engineer Learning Path

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has grown rapidly since the 1950s and the scope for its use is vast. As it can be used by many industries for facial recognition, emails, social media, online banking, analysing and searching databases, navigation, the list could go on.

But without AI Engineers, this wouldn't be possible, as they create AI systems in line with human needs and mission outcomes.

What will you learn on our AI Engineer Learning Path?

This learning path is structured in five steps, and then there are four electives – here’s an outline of each step:

Step 1 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
: this step will help learners understand how AI can be used in business applications. It will provide an overview of AI concepts and workflows, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and performance metrics, and will teach learners the difference between supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning. You’ll also learn about:

  • Meaning, purpose, scope, stages, applications, and effects of AI
  • Machine Learning workflow and how to implement the steps effectively
  • The role of performance metrics and how to identify their essential methods
  • And more…

Step 2 – Applied Data Science with Python:
this step will teach you the