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Diversity & inclusion at ILX: where we are now

Back in the summer we spoke out on the subject of “Black Lives Matter”, the first time that we’d done something like that. And for us, that was just the start… over the past few months here at ILX, we’ve been working on our approach to diversity and inclusion, and looking at the positive changes we can make as a business to ensure that everyone who works for us feels included, and doesn’t feel that they have to hide any part of their identity.

Supporting diversity in the workplace has always been an important part of business – it’s not something new. But at ILX, we recognised that it was something we hadn’t ever focused on, and we wanted to make a change. Showing everyone that they are valued as an individual not only helps each of us to feel more content in our roles, but we believe it’s a key part of good people management.

And the stats are there to back us up. Diversity is no longer a ‘nice to have’, it’s now a key metric when analysing business growth and performance. As of 2019, companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 25% more likely to have higher than average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile. The same can be said for ethnic and cultural diversity, with top-quartile companies outperforming those after them by 36% in profitability.

However, diversity is only part of