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Defining MSP®: A deep dive into Managing Successful Programmes

As programmes become more complex, methodologies that offer a structured framework for execution are increasingly crucial for success. Among these, Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) stands out as a versatile, best-practice approach. What is MSP? Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) is a global...

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Developing an adaptable and productive workforce for the future: The trends and challenges facing senior leadership teams in 2024

Aiming to answer the questions: what are the trends impacting learning and development (L&D) in 2024? What are the most in-demand skills? And how can organisations build the skills they need? For its third annual research report, ILX Group surveyed 250 business, HR and L&D senior leaders to...

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Maximising your L&D strategy for success: How to get the most out of training for your learners and organisation

According to a report by LinkedIn Learning, the skills needed for jobs have changed around 25% in the last ten years. In the next three years, the skill sets are expected to change by as much as 50%. With this in mind, a robust learning and development (L&D) strategy is needed to ensure organisa...

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Are you neglecting the missing piece of the training puzzle? The synergy of professional and technical skills

With more and more organisations looking to streamline their L&D budgets in 2024, there is a real need to make training count. As a result, many organisations hone in on the technical skills, or the ‘hard skills’, and perhaps undervalue the need to develop professional or ‘soft skills’ and reali...

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Navigating the digital landscape: How traditional organisations can compete with digital natives

Research from The CEO Magazine suggests that by next year, three-quarters of the workforce will be comprised of millennials. Furthermore, a McKinsey study has found that digitally native brands (DNBs) are growing three times as fast as e-commerce as a whole and are rapidly growing their investment p...

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Blended learning: The key to maximising the impact of L&D

According to People Management, 60% of employees would rather climb the career ladder with robust training than boost their wallets; as such it’s perplexing to see organisations slashing their learning and development (L&D) budgets this year. Why this paradox, and what’s the missing link in reco...

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Why is now the time to get serious about sustainable development?

Sustainable development is the second most in-demand skill this year with 78% of organisations planning to invest in it, according to our research. But it’s also something many organisations struggle with, in fact 70% agree it’s a key challenge. Discover more in our 2024 research report blog....

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