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Agile and Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) are two prominent approaches for project and programme management. MSP provides a structured framework for managing complex change programmes, while Agi...
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Ongoing technological evolutions have made the working world complex and unpredictable, meaning many traditional project management approaches may now be too rigid for some of the challenges facing or...
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Projects that are run using an agile approach have been found to be 1.5x more successful than those using a waterfall methodology[1]. Which is why it’s no surprise that in today’s fast-paced world, Ag...
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A highly esteemed role, the scrum master coaches, motivates and leads their Agile team. It's their responsibility to ensure the scrum framework is employed throughout the project. A scrum master must...
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If you have already committed to making the transition to Agile practices, then you likely already know the endless benefits of this methodology. Agile boasts better product quality, a reduction in ri...
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Project management can be a challenging, rewarding, fulfilling and varied career. Increasingly, organisations of all sizes and industries have the need for talented project professionals to bring thei...
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Organisations will often introduce initiatives in order to motivate employees. As they strive to do better, companies will set targets for their teams and offer rewards when goals are met. It’s nothin...
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If your company is shifting towards a more agile way of working you may have heard the term ‘scrum’ bandied about. But what is the scrum framework? How does it link to agile practices? And what traini...
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Societal shifts are having a profound impact on business right now, and projects are no exception. Project managers will have undoubtedly felt the tidal wave of change over their profession recently....
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