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Understanding risk management

‘ITIL is the most widely accepted approach to IT service management worldwide’, quotes AXELOS. Using ITIL best practices can help businesses, organizations, and individuals adapt and embrace change, transformation, and growth. The process enables businesses and individuals to maximize value from the...

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How to manage your project resources

The project’s been signed off and is all set to go; now comes a tricky part, the management of resources. If you don’t allocate the project’s resources, the project will likely experience delays, run over time or even run out of budget. Whatever the size of the project, managing its resources is ess...

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For the throne: a game of project managers

Disclaimer: for those who are not Game of Thrones fans, we’re not sorry. We’re just not. Also spoilers. Game of Thrones has ended. Whether this brings tears of pain and anguish to your eyes as you mourn the end of such a phenomenal series, or tears of joy that at last your friends and...

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Is Lean Six Sigma really worth the investment?

What’s your take on Lean Six Sigma? Big fans? Not so much? Or are you unsure who, what, when, where or how it even works? Well, some are of the opinion that it isn’t worth the investment, but we’re here to tell you otherwise… Developed primarily in the manufacturing industry, Lean Six Sigma is a...

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Spark joy in your organisation with a little agile

Agile. Everyone’s implementing agile working techniques and singing its praises; it’s almost as trendy as decluttering your home with Marie Kondo, whose method, KonMari, offers a solution to our over-materialised lives. Agile principles, however, help organisations to gain a competitive edge by bein...

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The basic principles and objectives of project management

According to the Association for Project Management (APM), “Project management is the application of processes, methods, knowledge, skills and experience to achieve the project objectives”. Essentially, project management is about planning, organising, securing, managing, leading and controlling a p...

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Change: a force to be reckoned with?

You may remember learning in school about forces – acting all around us, they simultaneously maintain and change the way the world looks and operates. Sadly, we’re not talking about superheroes and villains here, but instead something even more exciting: force field analysis! Developed by Kurt Le...

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