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Best practice change management starts with people

The only thing that is constant in business is change. In the US merger and acquisition activity leaped to 5,051 deals worth $1.5tn in 2014, up from 3,995 transactions worth $937bn in 2013. Organisations that are not buying other businesses or being bought themselves are busy bringing new products a...

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Time to add risk management to IT projects

IT projects are still failing with depressing regularity – in the past year the Ministry of Justice gave up on a failed £56m IT project while the BBC’s high profile IT project failure cost £98.4m. IT projects are continuing to fail for the same reasons they always have –poorly defined requirements,...

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Difficulties of Change Management and how to deal with it

We live in a changing world. Technology, governments and legislation change frequently. Companies merge with or acquire other companies and bring out new products and services. There is pressure on organisations to be better, bigger and faster. Failure to respond to the imperative of change tends to...

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