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Achieving business agility right through the project management lifecycle

Greek philosophers knew that change is the only constant in life and the maxim has never held truer than in today’s business environment. The pace of change has accelerated and organisations have trimmed themselves to the bone to stay competitive and agile but too often they have trimmed not just th...

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Leaders are made not born – developing emotional intelligence in project management

Some people have more emotional intelligence than others. This does not mean that they have a mystic ability to read other people’s thoughts. Emotional intelligence is as much to do with understanding yourself as it is to do with understanding someone else’s beliefs and motivations. Project m...

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PRINCE2 Agile – conflict becomes collaboration

Until recently project managers followed either the PRINCE2® methodology or were advocates of agile. Any gathering of project managers would be painfully like a school disco, with agile aficionados lining one wall and PRINCE2 cliques lining the other. Of course, in reality everyone had shared goals...

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