
Built to last: the foundations of a PMO

The portfolio management office (PMO) is considered by many to be the core component of an organisation’s project delivery capability. But why do some businesses consider it to be so vital? And how do you go about setting one up from scratch? Building an effective PMO is not always a straightforw...

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Are you in the loop?

It’s no secret that going through change will always turn into some sort of learning experience. From a house move teaching you to hoard less stuff, to a freak bout of arctic weather reminding you that it can never hurt to bring an extra layer, we are all constantly unlearning old behaviours and lea...

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In the spotlight: Mandla Mahlangu

Last month, as part of our 30th birthday celebrations, we kicked off our ‘in the spotlight’ blog series, which takes a look at how our customers use our courses in their day-to-day roles. Now, we’re continuing the trend by talking to more people to get a real insight into how our courses have helped...

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Burn down charts: keeping your eyes on the prize

In any sort of project, we always want to know what our progress is looking like – how far we’ve come, where we’re heading, when we’ll be finished etc. But, arguably, although it’s good to know what we’ve achieved so far, the most important thing to look at is what is left to do. Within agile me...

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In the spotlight: Gareth Lewis

Last month at ILX we celebrated our 30th birthday, and with that we thought we’d have a look at some of our customers who are in their 30s and what sort of things they’re getting up to in their roles. So, on that note, meet Gareth. Hi Gareth – can you tell us a bit about yourself and what role...

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30 of the most interesting projects... ever!

We live in a world that’s full of projects — from famous buildings to music festivals, from bridges to tunnels, and from global sports tournaments to iconic structures — they come in all shapes and sizes, and in every industry. So, to continue our 30th birthday celebrations, we thought we’d put toge...

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In the spotlight: Kyle Edmund Hayes

If you’ve been reading along with us this month, you’ll know that we’ve been celebrating our 30th birthday and, as such, have also been exploring what our customers who are also in their 30s are doing in their roles. First up is Kyle Edmund Hayes. Hi Kyle – would you like to introduce yourself...

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