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Is the Great Resignation the result of a training crisis?

Amidst the Great Resignation, we’re all questioning – what makes people leave their jobs? Industry insiders speculate that a range of reasons will trigger people to quit – from poor management to lack of flexible working, low salaries to better prospects at other companies. But the research has shown that, above all else, employees want training! And if they are not getting it in their current role, they will look elsewhere!

The Great Resignation continues

The office for national statistics has just uncovered that the number of job vacancies in February to April 2022 rose to a new record of nearly 1,295,000, an increase of 33,700 from the previous quarter. Whilst this may signify a country that is rebuilding after the effects of the pandemic, it also suggests that people are continuing to leave their jobs at record rates. Companies are failing to retain employees, but also to recruit them, and the economy is at threat.

In order to address the issue, we must better understand the root causes. Extensive studies have been carried out by the likes of Gallup, Am