
Lessons in combating workplace stress from top companies: Bumble, Lloyds, Google and more

Organisations have had to cope with a crisis beyond COVID-19 in recent months. The crisis of burnout has been sweeping employees, causing low moods, poor performance, depression, and time off work. Just as workplaces have been revolutionised at the hands of the pandemic, they now too must overhau...

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Quality Assurance and testing within ITIL

Within the ITIL framework, the Service Validation and Testing process plays an important role. Not only is it used to actively maintain test environments, but it also works to ensure that developments meet the quality standard as well as customer expectations, and it verifies that releases can conti...

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Settling the debate: Is remote working here to stay?

As we learn to live with the coronavirus, the jury is still out as to whether we should return to the office. From mixed emotions to confusing regulations, we are here to discuss it all, iron some things out, and maybe even settle the debate on whether remote working is here to stay. Long live the...

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The role of trust in leadership

Deloitte’s insights and studies never fail to grab our attention here at ILX. If you haven’t already, we highly recommend having a read of their latest free online magazine. One particular article that caught our eye this month is ‘The value of resilient leadership’, an insightful piece about the ro...

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How to negotiate in the project profession

As a project professional, strong negotiation skills will help you achieve the results you want. But not all of us are naturally gifted in the art of bargaining. Fret not, we are here to help. Like all skills, negotiating is something we can work on, and with our guidance you’ll be striking successf...

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How to sustain the momentum of continuous improvement

Organisations will often introduce initiatives in order to motivate employees. As they strive to do better, companies will set targets for their teams and offer rewards when goals are met. It’s nothing new; businesses have been incentivising good performance for decades. However, many organisatio...

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The recipe for leadership success

Being an exceptional leader is paramount for the success of your projects, your organisation, your team, and yourself. But what does it take to be a successful leader? Whilst some may give you pointers, here at ILX we’ve provided you with a recipe for success! Read on as we set out the core ingredie...

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